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导读:英语介绍乌克兰旅游景点「乌克兰国家介绍英语」急求一篇300字左右的介绍Arkansas旅游景点的英文作文(最好还有中文)。今晚10点前发给我,谢谢! 用英语详细介绍乌克兰著名的历史事件,旅游景点和饮食文化 求有质量的翻译回答! 万分感谢! 用英语介绍乌克兰的饮食、历史等 乌克兰有哪些旅游景点



Northwest Arkansas high terrain southeast low, plain mountain half-and-half, different landscape. Almost all the rivers from northwest to southeast are directly XieRu the Mississippi River. As from the southwest corner of the southeast corner of the state to draw a line, the state can be roughly divided into two geographical area: the northwest is mountain heights, southeast is low, the capital of little rock is located in middle line, is the state's economic center. Highland was Arkansas river valley is divided into southern and northern regions involved \"Mr Zack plateau, the former is soil and water loss in the mountains, there are several peaks over 760 meters high, the national famous hot springs national park, is located here. The latter's south stream valley, north fertile land, a variety of crop production. The Arkansas river basin MaJiaJin mountain is 860 meters high, high for the state, the west has a wealth of coal and natural gas deposits. The whole high many forest, produce pine and hardwood. Low including the east of the Mississippi River alluvial plain and south west bay plain. The former is relatively smooth hilly country not only for animal husbandry, and can work. Within the territory of the pine trees and white oak forest to wood industry provides raw materials. The Stella were Buddha and el ranch in nearby oil and gas; The latter was marshes, at present already dredging, flood control measures, and became the state's most fertile farmland. Rice and soybean has instead of cotton, become the main crop. The temperature WenXia winter heat. Little rock, capital of January temperature from 11 ~ 1 ℃; From July 22 ~ 34 ℃ temperature. Average annual precipitation is 1220 mm, the uniform distribution. Summer is dry.  

阿肯色州 (Arkansas -- AR) 是美国东南7州的一个州。北接密苏里州,西界俄克拉何马州,南邻路易斯安那州,西南与得克萨斯州接壤,东隔密西西比河与田纳西州和密西西比州相望。面积137539平方公里,在50州内列第29位。人口2,810,872(2006),在50州内列第33位。首府小石城 (Little Rock)。 州名来自印第安语,原为夸保族、奥萨格族、卡多族、切罗基族和乔克托族印地安人居住地。16、17世纪,西班牙和法国探险家先后来到这里。1686年法国人亨利 德通蒂在阿肯色河下游建立第一个白人殖民点。1803年根据路易斯安那购买协议,归美国所有。1836年加入联邦,为美国第25个州。1861年南北战争时期退出联邦,1868年重新加入联邦。 该州的历史与南方各州相似:早先单产棉花,蓄过黑奴,参加过南部同盟,种族主义盛行,经济长期落后。但二战以后,阿肯色州的条件有了相当的改善。为了吸引外来投资办厂,除了采取一些具体措施外,1953年该州还决定把州别名正式确定为“机会之地”。其实,在这个州里,不仅企业有机会大展宏图,能干的个人也有机会脱颖而出,克林顿就是一个实例。这位阿肯色州的贫寒子弟,一无财产,二无背景,全凭自己的能力赢得全州选民的拥护,32岁当选为州长,挑起全州的大梁。46岁时又入主白宫,成为美国总统。他的成功无疑是“机会之地”的一个最好的注脚。

用英语详细介绍乌克兰著名的历史事件,旅游景点和饮食文化 求有质量的翻译回答! 万分感谢!

Sports such as football and arm wrestling have been popular in Ukraine since the 19th century, when strongman Ukrainian wrestler Ivan Piddubny was a real legend throughout Europe. Legends of the 20th century include such names as pole vault champion Sergey Bubka (35 world records), and footballers like Oleg Blohin, twice European Footballer of the Year. Ukrainian gymnasts like Larisa Latynina and Iryna Deryugina both took a haul of Olympic medals in their time. Latynina won 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze medals when she competed as part of the Soviet Union.

Today Ukraine gives the international sports scene such names as boxers Vitaly and Vladimir Klichko, track and field athlete Zhanna Pintusevich, tennis player Andriy Medvedev, swimmer Yana Klochkova, gymnast Anna Bezsonova, and footballer Andriy Shevchenko, who is considered as a national hero in Ukraine. With the contribution from Shevchenko, Ukraine made its very first appearance in the 2006 FIFA World Cup held in Germany.

The 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta was Ukraine’s first participation in the Summer Olympics by itself after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In its very first appearance, Ukraine has done well in winning nine gold, two silver and twelve bronze medals, and was ranked 9th in the overall medal tally. Out of the nine gold medals, four of them were from gymnastics.

Ukraine has also competed at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. Ukraine"s Yana Klochkova dominated the Ukrainian sports world by winning two gold medals in Sydney. She broke the world"s record for the women"s 400-meter individual medley and won Ukraine"s its first gold medal at the Sydney Olympic Games. Ms. Klochkova smashed the world record with her time of 4:33.59. Three days later, she won another gold medal in the women"s 200-meter individual medley, setting a new Olympic record with a time of 2:10.68. Ukraine won a total of three gold, ten silver and ten bronze medals from the Sydney games.

Yana Klochkova retained her Olympic titles for the 200-metre and 400-metre medley relay four years later in the Athens 2004 Olympics. In Athens, Ukraine won a total of nine gold, five silver and nine bronze medals.


Ukraine has approximately 1% of the world"s population, but 6% of the world"s physicists, chemists, mathematicians, biologists, computer programmers and other highly trained professionals. Many communist leaders for Soviet Union such as Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev came from Ukraine. Many Soviet sportsmen, scientists, writers and poets were Ukrainian.

Bborscht, painted eggs and many of the famous Cossack song and dance traditions originated in Ukraine. Western Ukrainians consider themselves to be 100% Ukrainian and the vanguard of their culture, speaking their language and trumpeting their nationalism. In the east, where over 10 million ethnic Russians live, nationalism is less intense, and most people speak Russian.

Ukrainian music has its roots in centuries-old oral traditions of bylyny (epic narrative poems) and dumas, which were long lyrical ballads glorifying the exploits of the Cossacks. The roots of Ukrainian folk music lie in the legendary kobzar, wandering minstrels of the 16th and 17th centuries who accompanied their songs of heroic exploits (mostly of the Cossacks) with the kobza, a lute-like instrument. The bandura, a larger instrument with up to 45 strings, replaced the kozba in the 18th century. Bandura choirs were soon all the rage, and the instrument became the national symbol. Today, the Ukrainian Bandura Chorus from Kiev performs worldwide. Mykola Lysenko is probably the best known Ukrainian classical composer, famous for basing piano works on Ukrainian folk songs. Popular contemporary musicians include the punk band Plach Yeremiyi and the singer-songwriter Nina Matvienko, who draws heavily on Ukrainian folk traditions.


Ukraine (i/jukren/; Ukrainian: , tr. Ukrayina [ukrjin]) is a sovereign state in Eastern Europe,[8][9][10][11] bordered by Russia to the east and northeast, Belarus to the northwest, Poland and Slovakia to the west, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south and southeast, respectively. Ukraine is currently in territorial dispute with Russia over the Crimean Peninsula which Russia annexed in 2014[12] but which Ukraine and most of the international community recognise as Ukrainian. Including Crimea, Ukraine has an area of 603,628 km2 (233,062 sq mi),[13] making it the largest country entirely within Europe and the 46th largest country in the world. It has a population of about 44.5 million, making it the 32nd most populous country in the world.


喀尔巴阡山脉原始山毛榉林:由10个跨国的连续遗产组成,沿185公里的轴线,从乌克兰拉希夫山脉和Chornohirskyi西沿Polonynian山脊,一直到斯洛伐克的Bukovsk Vrchy和Vihorlat山脉。这10个遗址是原始的、多元的温带森林的突出例子,展示了最完整、最广泛的生态模式和纯粹的欧洲山毛榉群丛在各种环境条件下的生长过程。



克米拉米屋:坐落于基辅,是一座新艺术派建筑,看起来非常的怪异,由佛拉迪斯拉夫?戈罗德特斯(Vladislav Gorodetsky)于1902年设计建造,从2005年开始作为官员和外交人员的居住之地使用。


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