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Spring Festival is the most grand traditional festival among Chinese people. It is a folk festival integrating blessing, disaster fighting, celebration, entertainment and diet.


The Spring Festival has a long history, which evolved from the worship of praying at the beginning of the year in ancient times. It carries rich historical and cultural heritage in the inheritance and development.


The Spring Festival is a folk festival integrating worship, blessing and Exorcism, family and friends reunion, celebration, entertainment and diet.


The time of the Spring Festival (the first day of the first lunar month) swims between January 21 and February 21 of the Gregorian calendar.


"The earliest Spring Festival" (such as January 21, 1966) and "the latest Spring Festival" (such as February 20, 1985) differ by a whole month.




Bozhou is a national famous historical and cultural city and one of

China's excellent tourist cities. It is a very famous tourist

attraction, such as Cao Cao's military transportation road, flower

theater, moral palace, Cao's clan tombs, Hua Zuan, etc.


Cao Cao's underground troop transportation road is located under the

main streets in the old city of Bozhou, with a length "underground Great Wall". The tunnel extends

in all directions and has a complex structure. It has four forms:

one-way road, turning Road, parallel double road and upper and lower

two-story road.


It is equipped with military facilities such as cat hole, barrier wall,

leg tripping board and trap, as well as auxiliary facilities such as

vent hole, Messenger hole and lantern. Cao Cao used tunnel tactics many

times to win the war.


Located in the North pass of Bozhou City, Huaxi building, with a

construction area of 3163.1 square meters, is a national key cultural

relics protection unit. The theater was originally a stage of the great

emperor temple. It is named for its gorgeous carvings and colorful


花戏楼位于亳州城北关,建筑面积3163.1平方米,是全国重点文物 保护单位。戏楼本来是大帝庙的一座舞台。因上面雕刻彩绘绚丽夺目而得名。

Welcome friends at home and abroad to Bozhou.



Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my mother.

It's very cold in winter. There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world. You must wear warm clothes. The most exciting thing is playing with snow. Skating is also very interesting there.

I will' always remember Harbin, for the snow, the ice and all the beautiful things. I love Harbin.






Yandang Mountain, locating in Yueqing Wenzhou City Zhejiang Province, is of the first group of national important scenic sites and it is considered as one of ten famous mountains in China. The name "yandang" comes from the lake of beautiful view on the top of the mountain and where the spreading reed, and the wild geese come and live here in autumn. Yandang Mountain, famous for its peaks, screen-like peaks, caves and waterfalls, is a mountainous natural resort on seaside. With the good reputation of "the famous mountain in the sea", "the emperor of mountains" it was called as "The First Mountain in Southeast China". With abundant and rich culture, it was set afoot in South and North Dynasty, and developed in Tang Dynasty.

Yandang Mountain was formed 120 million years ago. It is a typical ancient rhyolite volcano with area of 450 square meters in total, 550 scenic sites and 8 scenic zones included. Lingfeng Peak, Lingyan Rock and Dalong Qiu Waterfall are called as "Three Famous Scenic Sites of Yandang Mountain".

Yandang Mountain has its special features, "it can stand scrutiny in daytime, and it can thrill with joy at night", "Different positions, different sceneries" and "Tasting seafood while watching landscape". All of these are the three features which are different from other famous mountains




Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.


Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.


Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.


Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits




adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的

n. 风景胜地;风景照片


This is an extremely scenic part of America.



n. 旅行者,观光客

adj. 旅游的

vt. 在旅行参观

vi. 旅游;观光

adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱






The bund, located on the huangpu river in the huangpu district of Shanghai, is a historical and cultural block of China.Since 1844, the area of the bund has been divided into the British concession, which is a true reflection of Shanghai's ten-mile western concession and also the starting point of the old Shanghai concession area and the whole modern city of Shanghai.


The total length of the bund is 1.5km, starting from yan 'an east road in the south to waibai ferry bridge on the suzhou river in the north, huangpu river in the east and the old Shanghai financial and foreign trade institutions in the west.


There are 52 classical revival buildings of different styles on the bund, which is known as the bund international architecture exhibition group. It is one of the important historical relics and representative buildings in modern China and one of the landmarks of Shanghai.



外滩(英文:The Bund;上海话拼音:nga thae),位于上海市黄浦区的黄浦江畔,即外黄浦滩,为中国历史文化街区。1844年(清道光廿四年)起,外滩这一带被划为英国租界,成为上海十里洋场的真实写照,也是旧上海租界区以及整个上海近代城市开始的起点。






1、白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)

2、海德公园 (Hyde Park - Speakers' Corner 讲演者之角)

3、议会大厦 (Westminster Parliament Building)

4、大英博物馆(British Museum)

5、塔桥 (London Tower Bridge)

6、伦敦塔 (Tower of London)

7、西敏寺(Westminster Abbey)

8、剑桥大学 (University of Cambridge)

9、牛津大学(University of Oxford)

10、温莎堡 (Windsor Castle)

11、唐人街(London Chinatown)


剑桥大学(University of Cambridge;勋衔:Cantab),坐落于英国剑桥,是一所世界著名的公立研究型大学,采用书院联邦制,与牛津大学、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院同属“G5超级精英大学”。剑桥大学是英国本土历史最悠久的高等学府之一,学校前身是一个于公元1209年成立的学者协会,是英语世界中第二古老的大学。


伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge)是位于英国伦敦一座横跨泰晤士河铁桥,因位于伦敦塔附近而得名。伦敦塔桥有时被误称为伦敦桥(London Bridge),其实真正的伦敦桥是另一座完全不同的桥梁,位于伦敦塔桥的上游。伦敦塔桥附近著名的旅游点有伦敦塔、圣卡瑟琳码头和Shad Thames街。从2016年10月1日起关闭到12月30日,以进行35年来首个大规模结构维修。


白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace),是英国的皇家宫殿和国王(女王)办公的地方。 白金汉宫位于伦敦威斯敏斯特自治区,是伦敦的一处重要旅游景点,历史上每逢英国欢庆或是危机时刻,这儿也是不列颠人民一处重要的集会场所。 1761年,乔治三世获得该府邸,并作为一处私人寝宫。此后宫殿的扩建工程持续超过了75年,主要由建筑师约翰纳西和爱德华布罗尔主持,为中央庭院构筑了三侧建筑。 1837年,维多利亚女王即位后,白金汉宫正式成为王宫,此后白金汉宫一直是英国王室的府邸。现仍是伊丽莎白女王的王室住地。女王召见首相、大臣,接待,举行国家庆典和宴请外宾及其他重要活动,均在此举行。 二战期间,宫殿礼拜堂遭一枚德国炸弹袭击而毁;在其址上建立的女王画廊于1962年向公众开放,展示皇家收藏品。现在的白金汉宫对外开放参观,每天清晨都会进行著名的禁卫军交接典礼,成为英国王室文化的一大景观。







Ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens for China north part of garden structure. Builds in the Ming Dynasty, also names the Ding family garden, located at Shandong Weifang Hu Jia memorial arch street, area 2000 square meters. Because occupies a land area is small, explains, if big ten board tablet held by officials during imperial audience, therefore. in 1988 the People's Republic of China State Council announced for the nation key Cultural relic preservation organ. the ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens are originally the bright Jiajing year the Ministry of Justice doctor of Chinese medicine Hu bonzo former dwelling, Qing Dynasty Chen Zhaoluan (clear Shunzhinianjian are appointed Zhangde governor of prefecture), Guo Xiongfei (the clear Daoguang Dynasty, no matter what Chihli cloth politics government official) once successively had lived in this, latter (in 1885) is bought in clear Guangxu 11 by Wei County richest family Ding Shanbao by the large sum of money does the private residence, the repair north three old buildings, the autograph inkstone fragrant building, excavates the basin, piles up one on top of another the rockery, the beginning becomes the personal garden. Ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens are entire Ding Zhai construct the community a part, this building community besides “the Great Cultural Revolution” the back garden which destroys, extant floor space 10,400 square meters, historic building house 200, in the only ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience garden's size construction much amounts to 34. the ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens were not only a famous historical garden, was also the cultural relic exhibition hall institute, once for the Weifang Museum original hall site locus, the colourful cultural relic by groups and in turn exhibited, was open to the audience, causes this famous garden to increase the rich cultural connotation.


Yang Bucun located in the northern part of Shandong Peninsula, the world Weifang kites are suburban, village 320, 1142, exemptions to 18.2 square kilometers, 1,764 acres of farmland, is flat, fertile soil, mild climate, the East Asia monsoon climate, suitable for a variety of Crop growth. Has a long history and splendid culture, and that the Maillard Guhuai famous; woodcut New Year pictures, Kite Awards, rapid economic development is the key development areas. Yang Jiabu the construction of the first folk art Grand View Garden, for the antique building, courtyard structure. Yang Jiabu board with pictures galleries, Yang Jiabu Kite Exhibition Hall, folk homes, Marriage Customs Museum. To be here personally扎system kites, overlay board pictures, can also be kite-flying, ride a cable car, and so on. Door-painting in the door god "God Tu Yu-base" in the people to have a very vivid legend: Business at the end of weekly, in the mountains of Health has Shuo Qi Tao, the United States and sweet meat, food of longevity may be, the two brothers lived under the peach , Called God Tu brother, my brother called Yu-base, people of integrity, of the very large, ferocious tiger forest for them to see peach, wild bison Lingshang have a king, Xinhen hand drugs, drink human blood, eating people and injure people. One day, wild king sent people to the mountains of New Moon from Xiantao, God Tu, Yu Lei Hong Zou, wild king Qiqiaoshengyan Qide, a dark night, wild king to lead his followers dressed as Egui forward to revenge, God Tu, Yu Peach of the base used to tie up Rengji the tiger, so the resulting Taomu evil spirits, evil spirits Qugui at the same time as a tool. There is also a "kitchen-" the legend is also very interesting, said to "focus King" was originally Langdang son of 000 positions, the nickname of La Yue, Original clove women diligence Xian-hui, beautiful kind-hearted, because of Layue Xixinyanjiu, clove woman to break the back door , The front door to marry Wang Begonia. Years was not squander the resources Jing Guang, Zhang Layue regret and tears Xiale Yan, then the streets begging, Layue 23, 2001, he Taofan home to the clove, clove-Layue poor women to see, they will not mind Qianchou, He asked the servant to let him come in to eat a bowl of Long Xumian. When he learned that it was his ex-wife clove home, ashamed Nandang have died in a Guotai Shan, Xian-hui from the clove women will be 23 in the annual ritual Layue He was Guotai, Chuan came to, then Chang Chuan-Layue "Stove", under the civil-also in La Yue, 23, posted a small "kitchen-" customs. Yang Wei Jiabu Co., breathing way of the Road side, can lead the way here to the local Folkways, we can live five-star hotels, homes can also live farm breakfast of rice, you can buy kites and board pictures. Yang Jiabu to convenient transportation, advanced communications, highways aspect, breathing Wei Road and State Road near the village, cold-longitudinal North-South Highway, Weifang urban Rd direct access to the village bus. Weifang is the carrot, and other native products, the unique flavor of the air pot Ming Chi, a nuclear eagles, kites, pictures and other souvenirs, "Pao Hanchuan" Naochun practices.


1、白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)

2、海德公园 (Hyde Park - Speakers' Corner 讲演者之角)

3、议会大厦 (Westminster Parliament Building)

4、大英博物馆(British Museum)

5、塔桥 (London Tower Bridge)

6、伦敦塔 (Tower of London)

7、西敏寺(Westminster Abbey)

8、剑桥大学 (University of Cambridge)

9、牛津大学(University of Oxford)

10、温莎堡 (Windsor Castle)

11、唐人街(London Chinatown)


剑桥大学(University of Cambridge;勋衔:Cantab),坐落于英国剑桥,是一所世界著名的公立研究型大学,采用书院联邦制,与牛津大学、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院同属“G5超级精英大学”。剑桥大学是英国本土历史最悠久的高等学府之一,学校前身是一个于公元1209年成立的学者协会,是英语世界中第二古老的大学。


伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge)是位于英国伦敦一座横跨泰晤士河铁桥,因位于伦敦塔附近而得名。伦敦塔桥有时被误称为伦敦桥(London Bridge),其实真正的伦敦桥是另一座完全不同的桥梁,位于伦敦塔桥的上游。伦敦塔桥附近著名的旅游点有伦敦塔、圣卡瑟琳码头和Shad Thames街。从2016年10月1日起关闭到12月30日,以进行35年来首个大规模结构维修。


白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace),是英国的皇家宫殿和国王(女王)办公的地方。 白金汉宫位于伦敦威斯敏斯特自治区,是伦敦的一处重要旅游景点,历史上每逢英国欢庆或是危机时刻,这儿也是不列颠人民一处重要的集会场所。 1761年,乔治三世获得该府邸,并作为一处私人寝宫。此后宫殿的扩建工程持续超过了75年,主要由建筑师约翰纳西和爱德华布罗尔主持,为中央庭院构筑了三侧建筑。 1837年,维多利亚女王即位后,白金汉宫正式成为王宫,此后白金汉宫一直是英国王室的府邸。现仍是伊丽莎白女王的王室住地。女王召见首相、大臣,接待,举行国家庆典和宴请外宾及其他重要活动,均在此举行。 二战期间,宫殿礼拜堂遭一枚德国炸弹袭击而毁;在其址上建立的女王画廊于1962年向公众开放,展示皇家收藏品。现在的白金汉宫对外开放参观,每天清晨都会进行著名的禁卫军交接典礼,成为英国王室文化的一大景观。




 英语作文  你有一个外国朋友要来中国,请你介绍中国几处景点并说明理由


Dear friends, do you want to know about Xi'an?Do you want to visit Xi'an with your parents on May Day and national day?Tell you, to Xi'an tourism, is your best choice!No, listen to me first.


Xi'an, the capital city of Shaanxi Province, was historically called Chang'an.It is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, and has a history of more than 3100 years since its construction.


It used to be the capital of 12 dynasties in ancient China;The famous Silk Road began here;The famous Tang Monk's pilgrimage to the West also started from here;It is currently the largest city in Northwest China.


The biggest feature of Xi'an is that there are many historical relics and places of interest.As soon as you enter Xi'an, you will see the largest and best preserved ancient city wall of Ming Dynasty in the world.The city wall has a history of more than 630 years.


It is 12 meters high and 3-6 meters thick than the height, which looks very magnificent.The city wall divides the ancient city into two parts: the city and the outside.The most famous tourist attractions in the city are bell tower, Drum Tower and stele forest museum;Outside the city are the big wild goose pagoda, the small wild goose pagoda and the largest Shaanxi History Museum in China.


The bell tower is located in the center of Xi'an. It is our landmark building in Xi'an. When it comes to the bell tower, people will think of Xi'an;When it comes to Xi'an, people will also think of the bell tower.


Both the bell tower and the drum tower are named after the big bell and drum placed in ancient times. It is said that the big bell placed on the bell tower is more than 5 tons!




The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is not only a long fairy tale and picture scroll, but also a profound natural kingdom!

It is true that there is a treasure like Jiuzhaigou on earth, which is not only a miracle, but also the luck of mankind. No one who has been to Jiuzhaigou is not moved by the look and color there.




West Lake

West Lake (Chinese: 西湖; Pinyin: X H) is a famous fresh water lake located in central Hangzhou, in Zhejiang province of eastern China.

The lake is divided by three causeways called su di (苏堤) , bai di (白堤), and yanggong di (杨公堤).

Note: There are 800 West Lakes in China (according to the Lonely Planet). However, the term "West Lake" or "Xi Hu" is generally used to refer to the one in Hangzhou.

The Ten major attractions of West Lake, each marked by a stela with the name written in the calligraphy of the Emperor Qianlong Emperor, are:

Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway (苏堤春晓)

Listining Orioles Singing in the Willows (柳浪闻莺)

View Fish in the Flower Harbour (花港观鱼)

Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding Courtyard (曲苑风荷)

Evening Bells at the Nanping Mountain (南屏晚钟)

Autumn Moon over a Calm Lake (平湖秋月)

Evening Sunshine over Leifeng Pagoda (雷峰夕照)

Three Pools Mirroring the Moon (三潭印月)

Melting Snow on Broken Bridge (断桥残雪)

Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds (双峰插云) - The "Jungfrau of West Lake"

The West Lake is said to be the incarnation of Xi Shi, one of the Four Beauties of ancient China. Hence, since ancient times, the West Lake was associated with a large number of romatic poets, profound philosophers, national heros and heroins.

Eastern Jin Dynasty philosopher Ge Hong practiced Taoism in the Ge Mountain, and wrote his great philosophical work: Bao Pu Zhi (抱朴子).

Tang Dynasty poet Luo Binwang reclused in Lingyin Temple

Tang Dynasty poet-governor Bai Juyi built the first causeway, which the Bai Causeway.

Song Dynasty poet-governor Su Dongpo, dredged the lake and built up the Su Causeway, made it into another beautiful landmark of West Lake. He also invented a special recipe for preparing pork: the Dongpo Pork. Dongpo Pork is on the menu of every restaurant in Hangzhou

Song Dynasty national hero Yue Fei was buried near the West Lake

Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding CourtyardThe great Ming Dynasty essayist Zhang Dai, wrote a number great essays about the West Lake in Reminiscence and Dream of Tao'an (陶庵梦忆), and a whole book: Search for West Lake in Dreams (西湖梦寻).


1.The Great Wall 长城



2.Temple of Heaven 天坛


3.The Fibidden City 故宫



4.The Summer Palace 颐和园



5.Yueyang Tower 岳阳楼


6.Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼


7.The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 圆明园


8.Dianchi Lake 滇池


9.Du Fu Cottage 杜甫草堂


10.Dujiang Dam 都江堰


11.Luoyang longmen grottoes 洛阳龙门石窟



12.Songshan shaolin temple 嵩山少林寺


13.The Mogao Grottes 莫高窟


14.The Huangshan Moutain 黄山



15.Suzhou botanical garden苏州园林





1.Three Gorges of the Yangtze River 长江三峡



2.Taiwan Riyue Tan 日月潭



3.Chengde summer resort 承德避暑山庄



4.Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses 兵马俑


5.Mount Tai 泰山





Bozhou is a national famous historical and cultural city and one of

China's excellent tourist cities. It is a very famous tourist

attraction, such as Cao Cao's military transportation road, flower

theater, moral palace, Cao's clan tombs, Hua Zuan, etc.


Cao Cao's underground troop transportation road is located under the

main streets in the old city of Bozhou, with a length "underground Great Wall". The tunnel extends

in all directions and has a complex structure. It has four forms:

one-way road, turning Road, parallel double road and upper and lower

two-story road.


It is equipped with military facilities such as cat hole, barrier wall,

leg tripping board and trap, as well as auxiliary facilities such as

vent hole, Messenger hole and lantern. Cao Cao used tunnel tactics many

times to win the war.


Located in the North pass of Bozhou City, Huaxi building, with a

construction area of 3163.1 square meters, is a national key cultural

relics protection unit. The theater was originally a stage of the great

emperor temple. It is named for its gorgeous carvings and colorful


花戏楼位于亳州城北关,建筑面积3163.1平方米,是全国重点文物 保护单位。戏楼本来是大帝庙的一座舞台。因上面雕刻彩绘绚丽夺目而得名。

Welcome friends at home and abroad to Bozhou.




Dear Mr. Cook,

I am writing this letter to remend you one of the tourist attractions in my city—The Great Wall. The detailed reasons for my remendation are listed as the following.

At the top of the list, the Great Wall is one of the oldest historic interests in China. In addition, there are a large number of tourists in China and abroad touring the Great Wall and appreciating its grandness, and therefore it is not too much to say that unless a foreigner visit the Great Wall, it equals to say that he has never been to China .

Finally, I sincerely hope that you will have a good time in China. Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming










