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ear visitors, everybody! Welcome to chishan tourism. Tianshan mountain tianchi national key scenic area is located in the xinjiang uygur autonomous region south FuKangShi 33 kilometers. Tianshan mountain tianchi located within the territory of fukang, under half of the east's mt.bogda from urumqi 110 kilometers, altitude 1980 meters altitude, (as can be divided into ice snow belt, GaoShanYa high orogenic belt, mountain acerola belts and low mountains with four natural while can watch. In tianchi snow-capped mountains, forests, clear water, lawns, blossom scenery). Is a natural mountain lakes. The lake is semilobar, long 3,400 metres, the widest place about 1500 meters, an area of 4.9 square kilometers, most deep place about 105 meters. The lake is clear, glittering and translucent like jade. Around the mountains, wild flowers, grass surrounded like jin. Have "tianshan pearl" reputation. Tall and straight, verdant and spruce, DaSong, overflow hill times ridge, blot out the sun. Tianchi southeast is the mighty bogurda mountain (Mongolian "bogurda", meaning lingshan, holy mountain) altitude of 5445 meters. There are two peaks around peak and connected. Payable to overlook, three peaks and play, abrupt piercing the clouds, shaped like chessboard. The summit, sparking glacier Snow White, and tianchi azure of the silver lake set each other off becomes an interest, constitute the alpine pinghu graceful much appearance of natural landscape. Is one of the national key scenic released. Tianchi is one in two hundred YuWanNian quaternary glacial activities before the big GaoShanBing formed in Qi lake, tianchi lake, the lake at an altitude of 1980 meters long from south to a semilobar, 3,400 metres, the widest place about 1500 meters, an area of 4.9 square kilometers, the average lake deep 40 meters, the deepest 105 m, with a total 1.6 billion cubic meters. Is 21,200,000 world famous mountain lakes, 1982 phi listed as the first national key scenic area. Tianchi called "; ", is legend xiwangmu fete mu began to tang dynasty poet li shangyin had land, poetry yue: "o mother; HuangZhu adas window leaves, the song to move south three miles, eight, how do MuWang not heavy." legend of the world is xiwangmu dresser, then say it's silver mirror the bath pond, and west around the cloud, is taeniasis the neon feathers, west of small tianchi is west JiaoPen... wash These wonderful myths and legends, give the tianchi natural scenery beautiful like a layer, the colour of the summer, mysterious here beautiful scenery, relaxed and delightful, is a wonderful summer kilometers. Visitors can wear thickets, high mountain, FuLan heaven and earth panoramic, also can be in great waves, white-water rafting trip across lake spectacular landscape. Winter tianchi, snow on the lake ice, snow-white, imperial, is the national rare mountain rink. The world will heaven and earth's natural scenery summarized as "shimen first", "longtan Bess months", "heaven three stone", "dinghai makes", "nanshan at xue", "xishan now pine", "haifeng exhibition" waterfall "eight landscape suspension spring. Every year, heaven and earth are attracting large number of tourists, for everybody below brief introduction of some landscape.

Longtan Bess month, longtan refers to about 2 kilometers below in tianchi, altitude 16.6 meters, circle mountain road west "west small tianchi". Legend has it that in the west with JiaoPen, actually it is washed through underground lake dam changbaishan tianchi lake bulky ice stains content in the spring, leakage down ShanZui intersection of the formation of an effusion in low-lying deep pool. Pool DaSong competition show, full week verdant mountains, as night falls, bright sky, peak on a shadow and Bess glisten tam, for YueYing static shadow sink wall, which have no songs, some poems wrote "yihong Bess ChengLongTan, snow set ching flow, autumn on guangxi emerald dish, doubt is sinking wall bottom." charng-er out wide cold

Nanshan at xue tourists stood on the Qi tianchi lake ice locats bogurda mountain, awaited, but they saw "the distance is loose, wildflowers near nipped snow like brocade green lake view splash-ink deep-rooted red. A picture, spring, summer, autumn JingRong". This concept of scenery, such as the fairyland, a floating swings

Dinghai makes a monster of legend tianchi, often messy, joash tether mercy. Stir up the water of the tianchi, submerged or so residents waterfall wandered, people homeless. One year, the heavenly queen mother in the temple PanTao will be held. The meeting gave each fairy, but forgot to invite the tianchi monster. Monster XieSiFen displeasure, punches. In an instant, turbid monstrous floods 4 excessive. Armed concerning the heavenly queen mother, the heavenly queen mother great anger, immediately take a root next head into the water, immediately jasper zan is calm, water back. Stone out That piece of jade hairpin turn into a tree. Since then grow in the waters, and become tianchi lake water treasure. This tree by the heavenly queen of the jade hairpin become the head by posterity called "elm trees makes" in dinghai.

Xishan view loose, easing the west mountain tianchi lake and relative situated by ice Qi Yin slope, stone and mudslides composed hillside more loose debris, storage conditions, especially suitable for YuLinMu growth. Here, even the peak YunShaLin renewal ridge, is always clouding strong Yin the best place for tourism. "Xishan loose" and pleasing to eye, relaxed.

XuanHu waterfalls tianchi downstream on ZhongQiDi northeast glaciers built artificially locks, tianchi purging water forming a waterfall. The waterfall rocks along coastlines, white practice under rushing, acoustic shock valley vertical empty, falls in the bottom out, known as the "ubisoft's pool party east small days pool". Here the environment very secluded. North east small tianchi for diarrhoea water and cliffs cliffs, form a up to 100 meters waterfall, flow diarrhoea jade, waterfalls silver sound of thunder, in the sunlight, forming the rainbow, "suspended flying waterfalls" wonderful, have springs or "pearl several springs suspended midair, silver chains high up. YanShui hazes YangYan misty QingLuan j, changhong." exists in




With the rapid development of tourism in Xinjiang, Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spots, as the representative of Xinjiang natural scenery, are attracting more and more attention.

The attraction that arouses the greatest appreciation in the reserve is Tianchi, or Lake of Heaven. The Tian Chi lake's water was warm, and the water is blue anddeep. The Tian Chi lake is very big and famous, because it is very high.



从公元5世纪CE,盎格鲁-撒克逊人定居英国的罗马经济,行政崩溃。到了7世纪,盎格鲁撒克逊人的日耳曼语在英国占据了主导地位,取代了罗马不列颠的语言(43-409 CE):古布立吞语,一个凯尔特语和拉丁语,被带到英国罗马人占领。



欢迎大家来到天池山旅游. 天山天池国家级风景名胜区位于新疆维吾尔自治区阜康市南33公里处.天山天池位于阜康县境内的博格达峰下的半山腰,东距乌鲁木齐110公里,海拔1980米,(随着海拔高度不同可分为冰川积雪带、高山亚高山带、山地针叶林带和低山四个自然带.在天池同时可观赏雪山、森林、碧水、草坪、繁花的景色).是一个天然的高山湖泊.湖面呈半月形,长3400米,最宽处约1500米,面积4.9平方公里,最深处约105米.湖水清澈,晶莹如玉.四周群山环抱,绿草如茵,野花似锦.有"天山明珠"盛誉.挺拔、苍翠的云杉、塔松,漫山遍岭,遮天蔽日.天池东南面就是雄伟的博格达主峰(蒙古语"博格达",意为灵山、圣山)海拔达5445米.主峰左右又有两峰相连.抬头远眺,三峰并起,突兀插云,状如笔架.峰顶的冰川积雪,闪烁着皑皑银光,与天池澄碧的湖水相映成趣,构成了高山平湖绰约多姿的自然景观.是国务院首批公布的国家级重点风景名胜区. 天池是一座在两百余万年以前第四纪大冰川活动中形成的高山冰碛湖,天池湖面海拔1980米,湖面呈半月形,南北长3400米,最宽处约1500米,面积4.9平方公里,平均湖深40米,最深105米,总蓄水量1.6亿立方米.是世界著名的高山湖泊,1982年披列为第一批国家重点风景名胜区.天池古称“瑶池”,是传说中西王母宴请周穆王之地,唐代诗人李商隐曾作诗曰:“瑶池阿母绮窗开,黄竹歌声动地哀,八骏日行三万里,穆王何事不重来”.传说天地是西王母梳妆台上的银镜,又说是西王母的沐浴池,天地绦绕的云雾,是西王母的霓裳羽毛,小天池是西王母的洗脚盆……,这些美妙的神话传说,给优美的天池自然景色象上了一层神秘的色彩,夏季,这里山清水秀,清爽宜人,是绝佳的避暑盛地.游人可登高山、穿密林,俯览天地全景,也可在碧波浩渺的湖水中泛舟横渡,饱览湖光山色.冬天的天池,白雪皑皑,银装素裹,湖上坚冰如玉,是全国少有的高山滑冰场.


Xinjiang Tourist Attractions: Heavenly Lake, Urumqi Lop Nur, the Tianshan, Tianshan Wild Animal Park, Nanshan natural scenic spots, Bayanbulak Swan Lake, Bai Yanggou, Bayanbulak grasslands, Dabancheng District town, Urumqi Mogui Cheng, miquan niangniangmiao, Changji original Populus euphratica, Changji city, Bear Gully Scenic Miquan blind, Changji Cheshi old course, Sailimu Lake, rocks valley scenic areas, narat grasslands, Sailimu Lake, Ili, guozigou, Altai, etc.新疆旅游景点:天池、乌鲁木齐罗布泊、、天山、天山野生动物园、南山天然风景区、巴音布鲁克天鹅湖、白杨沟、巴音布鲁克草原、 达坂城区古镇、乌鲁木齐魔鬼城、米泉娘娘庙、昌吉原始胡杨林、 昌吉古城、米泉瞎熊沟风景区、昌吉车师故道、赛里木湖、怪石峪风景区、 那拉提草原、赛里木湖、 伊犁河、 果子沟、 阿尔泰山等




With the rapid development of tourism in Xinjiang, Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Spots, as the representative of Xinjiang natural scenery, are attracting more and more attention. The attraction that arouses the greatest appreciation in the reserve is Tianchi, or Lake of Heaven. The Tian Chi lake's water was warm, and the water is blue anddeep. The Tian Chi lake is very big and famous, because it is very high.


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