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泰晤士河是英国著名的母亲河,位于英格兰东南部,源自科茨科尔德山(Cotswold Hills),大致向东流,流经伦敦,在诺尔(Nore)注入北海。全长约338公里,为英格兰最长之河流,也是全世界水面交通最繁忙的都市河流和伦敦地标之一。




River Thames


景点所在大洲: 欧洲【Europe】


景点所在省、州:牛津郡、白金汉郡、大伦敦和肯特郡 [Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Greater London and Kent County]


泰晤士河在哪 泰晤士河的位置







Thames River, also known as river Thames, is a river in southwest England.

It is a famous mother river in Britain. It originates from cotswoldhills in southwest England and has a total length of 346 kilometers. It crosses the British capital London and more than 10 cities along the river.

The drainage area covers 13000 square kilometers. The river surface widens in the lower reaches of London to form an estuary with a width of 29 kilometers, Into the North Sea.

In the upper reaches of London, there are many places of interest along the Thames, such as Eton, Oxford, Henry and Windsor.

The mouth of the Thames River is full of busy British merchant ships, but the river upstream is famous for its static beauty. The Thames River Basin plays an important role in British history.


泰晤士河,也称泰姆河(River Thames),英格兰西南部河流,为英国著名的“母亲”河,它发源于英格兰西南部的科茨沃尔德希尔斯,全长346公里,横贯英国首都伦敦与沿河的10多座城市,流域面积13000平方公里,在伦敦下游河面变宽,形成一个宽度为29公里的河口,注入北海。


The River Thames is the second longest river in the United Kingdom and the longest river entirely in England, rising at Thames Head in Gloucestershire, and flowing into the North Sea at the Thames Estuary. It has a special significance in flowing through London, the capital of the United Kingdom, although London only touches a short part of its course. The river is tidal in London with a rise and fall of 7 metres (23 ft) and becomes non-tidal at Teddington Lock. The catchment area covers a large part of South Eastern and Western England and the river is fed by over 20 tributaries. The river contains over 80 islands, and having both seawater and freshwater stretches supports a variety of wildlife.

The river has supported human activity from its source to its mouth for thousands of years providing habitation, water power, food and drink. It has also acted as a major highway both for international trade through the Port of London, and internally along its length and connecting to the British canal system. The river’s strategic position has seen it at the centre of many events and fashions in British history, earning it a description by John Burns as “Liquid History”. It has been a physical and political boundary over the centuries and generated a range of river crossings. In more recent time the river has become a major leisure area supporting tourism and pleasure outings as well as the sports of rowing, sailing, skiffing, kayaking, and punting. The river has had a special appeal to writers, artists, musicians and film-makers and is well represented in the arts. It is still the subject of various debates about its course, nomenclature and history.


Opened in 1874, Joseph Bazalgette's Thames promenade was part of an ambitious project to relieve congestion along the Strand whilst simultaneously extending the Metropolitan District Railway between South Kensington and Mansion House (now the District line Tube).

The embankment's most famous (and oldest) monument is Cleopatra's needle, an Egyptian granite obelisk that dates back to 1475 BC. With the route following the curve of the Thames passed Waterloo Bridge and up to Blackfriars, the embankment runs behind a number of historic buildings including Portcullis House, the Ministry of Defence building, Adelphi Theatre, Savoy Hotel and Somerset House.

Part of the design also included the Victoria Embankment Gardens (just off Villiers Street and reached from Embankment Tube). Interestingly, the gardens contain a water gate which, having been built in 1626, used to be located on the river's edge. However, once work on the embankment had been completed, the gate found itself stranded some 330ft from the Thames.


泰晤士河(River Thames)是英国著名的“母亲”河。也称泰姆河,发源于英格兰西南部的科茨沃尔德希尔斯,全长346公里,横贯英国首都伦敦与沿河的10多座城市,流域面积13000平方公里,在伦敦下游河面变宽,形成一个宽度为29公里的河口,注入北海。在伦敦上游,泰晤士河沿岸有许多名胜之地,诸如伊顿、牛津、亨利和温莎等。泰晤士河的入海口充满了英国的繁忙商船,然而其上游的河道则以其静态之美而著称于世。在英国历史上泰晤士河流域占有举足轻重的地位。



Edinburgh castle is a symbol of the spirit of Edinburgh and even Scotland.


Perched on top of dead volcanic rock, it overlooks downtown Edinburgh.


The annual march-past of the military band is held here in August.



The palace of holyrood, formerly holyrood Abbey.


It was later used as the royal residence, also known as the palace of the holy cross, at the end of the royal mile road.


It has been the main residence of Scottish Kings and queens since the 16th century.


It is the setting of state occasions and official entertainment places.



Greenwich park includes the old royal observatory, the museum of navigation and Greenwich pier.


Maritime Greenwich.

(以“maritime greenwich”主题。)

It was listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1997.



St. Mary's church is located opposite king's college.


Until the 18th century, it was the place where Cambridge university degrees were awarded, and then it became Senate House.

(在18世纪以前是剑桥大学授予毕业生学位的场所,后来才改到现今的Senate House。)


The millennium dome's striking white dome is matched by steel pillars around it.


The millennium dome, on the Banks of the Thames, was once hailed as Britain's most successful paid tourist attraction.


It was also the climax of the year 2000 celebration in the UK.


But the millennium dome has been controversial from construction to completion.








大笨钟,或大本钟(Big Ben),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼 (Clock Tower) 的大报时钟的昵称。是坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座钟楼,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。钟楼高95米,钟直径9英尺,重13.5吨。每15分钟响一次。




Clock Tower, Palace of Westminster

The Clock Tower is a turret clock structure at the north-eastern end of the Houses of Parliament building in Westminster, London, England. It is popularly known as Big Ben, but this name is actually a nickname for the clock's main bell. The tower has also been referred to as St. Stephen's Tower or The Tower of Big Ben, in reference to its bell.


The tower was raised as a part of Charles Barry's design for a new palace, after the old Palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire on the night of October 16, 1834. The tower is designed in the Victorian Gothic style, and is 96.3 metres (316 feet) high.

The first 61 metres (250 feet) of the structure is the clock tower, consisting of brickwork with stone cladding; the remainder of the tower's height is a framed spire of cast iron. The tower is founded on a 15 by 15 metre (49 by 49 foot) raft, made of 3-metre (9-foot) thick concrete, at a depth of 7 metres (23 feet) below ground level. The four clock faces are 55 metres (180 feet) above ground.

Due to ground conditions present since construction, the tower leans slightly to the north-west, by roughly 220 millimetres (8.66 inches). Due to thermal effects it oscillates annually by a few millimetres east and west.

Clock faces

The clock faces were once large enough to allow the Clock Tower to be the largest four-faced clock in the world, but have since been outdone by the Allen-Bradley Clock Tower in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The builders of the Allen-Bradley Clock Tower did not add chimes to the clock, so the Great Clock of Westminster still holds the title of the world's largest four-faced chiming clock. The clock mechanism itself was completed by 1854, but the tower was not fully constructed until four years later in 1858.

The clock and dials were designed by Augustus Pugin. The clock faces are set in an iron framework 21 feet (7 metres) in diameter, supporting 576 pieces of opal glass, rather like a stained glass window. Some of the glass pieces may be removed for inspection of the hands. The surround of the dials is heavily gilded. At the base of each clock face in gilt letters is the Latin inscription 'DOMINE SALVAM FAC REGINAM NOSTRAM VICTORIAM PRIMAM' meaning 'O Lord, keep safe our queen Victoria the First'.

The clock became operational on September 7, 1859.

During World War II, the Palace of Westminster was hit by German bombing, destroying the House of Commons and causing damage to the tower's western clockface.

The main bell

The main bell, officially known as the Great Bell, is the largest bell in the tower and part of the Great Clock of Westminster. The bell is better known by the nickname Big Ben.



Westminster Abbey

A resting place of the royals, Westminster Abbey, is one of the most visited churches in the Christian world. It's a beautiful building, full of morose tombs and monuments, with an acoustic field that will send shivers down your spine when the choirboys clear their throats. The roll call of the dead and honored is guaranteed to humble the greatest egoist, despite the weighty and ornate memorabilia.

大本钟(Big Ben)是英国最著名的地标, 与英国国会大厦相连. 大本钟因其走时准确而名扬四海。每隔一小时,大钟根据格林威治时间发出沉重而铿锵的响声, 在数英里之外也能听到钟声的回荡.

Great bell (Big Ben) is the United Kingdom's most famous landmark, linked with the British parliament building. Great bell because, she was walking and accurate. Every Clock, bell Jiatelinwei Time issued under heavy sonorous sounds, a few miles away can hear the bell reverberate.

3.海德公园(Hyde Park, London)

海德公园(Hyde Park, London)是伦敦皇家公园中最大的一个, 占地160万平方米,也是伦敦最知名的公园。西边与Kensington Gardens(肯辛顿公园)相连. 在肯辛顿公园, 游人可以参观戴安娜王妃生前曾经居住过的肯辛顿宫. 海德公园内西南角建有戴妃纪念喷泉. (The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain),它建在蛇形湖泊旁, 据说戴妃生前经常在那里休憩散步。海德公园的北面有著名的演讲角(Speaker's Corner), 是一个很大的可以公开发表自己观点的地方, 经常可见有人在此即兴演讲.几乎每年夏季大型露天音乐会也在这里举行.

Hyde Park (Hyde Park, London) is the largest of London's Royal Park, which covers 1.6 million square meters, as well as London's most famous parks. Western and Kensington Gardens (Kensington) connected. In Kensington, visitors can visit once Princess Diana Lived in Kensington. Hyde Park built the south-western corner of Princess Diana Memorial Fountain. (The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain), which built adjacent to the Serpentine lake, said Princess Diana sitting there in his regular walk. Hyde Park to the north are famous speech (Speaker 's Corner), is a great place to be aired their views, you can often see someone in this impromptu speech. Large open-air concert every summer is almost here.

I finally had to go to England! I am quite happy, before all only can look in the calendar the gothic style the construction, this finally may witness these attractive grand constructions and the enchanting scenery.

Gently I walked, is similar to my gently coming, wields the sleeves of a dress, does not carry off clouds. Sat for 16 hours, the airplane also passed through the Hong Kong favorable turn, finally arrived Cambridge University which I longed for even in dreams.

Is well-known world university city - Cambridge, there has king the institute, 31 institutes and the Claye institute.... King the institute in king the church is a representative which Cambridge constructs, also is the middle ages later period England building important model, 31 institutes have the apple tree which the hometown moves from Newton for the commemoration Newton to discover the gravitation. I also spent 8 pounds to sit support the punting pole, circled Kang river well, Cambridge is really beautiful oh! ! !

Third days, we arrived one of European most beautiful cities York, here is wards off the important important pass which the North Sea young hero raids, here

Has England entire grandest the York cathedral, we also go to the stone street which becomes with the cobblestone shop, I also while convenient bought to have the commemoration key ring.

Fourth days, we arrived Edinburgh, you believed the man puts on the skirt to be very attractive? You may Chang seedao put on the Scotland skirt on the Scotland road the bagpipe, you must photograph with him may, did not forget to give the money first, had to go to the saint Luther imperial palace originally to look at magnificent imperial family home adorn, but had London the subway to explode, therefore could not go, really was was a pity!

Fifth days, the lake district scenery really was too beautiful, along the way hillside fluctuation, carpet of green grass, as beautiful as a painting, walked in the Peter rabbit hometown, mother anxious description picture, finished attending the restroom to forget to take the belt-bag unexpectedly, certainly waited to think again went back, the great paper money all disappeared, the loss really was serious.

Previous day we arrived the history Tela luck, here was famous Romeo and Juliet the author - Sha Shibiya place of birth, but also visited him and Anne the former dwelling, the imperial Sha Shibiya theater the front square, very many people out of office meal perhaps appreciate all kinds of ship's hold, some ship's hold sell the ice cream or Hamburg and so on, I also ran have bought two balls ice cream, was very delicious but is not cheap.

London bridge falling down, falling down, falling down, knew where I have been at? I visit the London tower, it has 900 years history, once for castle, royal palace, jail, therefore has produced the historical story which very many splendidly hangs doubts, Tarry has world biggest 500 carat diamonds, but I have not seen to, I certainly cannot miss with the famous London tower bridge according to Commander Zhang Shuai's picture. You have look have not had a package of bandage the mummy? I thought ultra is cruel, but the elder sister thinks disgusting! You may see in British Museum to very many special things, but because the London subway explodes, also everywhere the traffic jam, harms us only to see to two halls, really is repugnant! Buckingham Palace could not go, harmed me not to see to was valiant, the gas raised the imperial guard handing-over ceremony, also was gives a cursory look including the Oxford University to walk.

England and US play the feeling is completely different, US compares the modernization, moreover very stimulates amusement facility, England then is the scenery, the old castle is much more beautiful, but eats, I do not like very much.



泰晤士河流经景点 泰晤士河景点介绍

1. 泰晤士河景点介绍



















国家大剧院是伦敦最具代表性的布鲁塔利主义建筑之一,由建筑师Denys Lasdun设计。剧院表面上看起来像是一大块混凝土,走近看时就会更发现它的美,尤其是漂亮的板式建筑内部。


劳埃德大厦由罗杰斯斯特克哈维和他的合伙人共同设计,由于所有的服务设施都被放置在外部,使其具有未来主义的机器式外观,因此它又被称为 "内外兼修的建筑"

2. 泰晤士河周边景点







3. 泰晤士河附近的著名景点


伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge),是一座上开悬索桥,位于英国伦敦,横跨泰晤士河,因在伦敦附近而得名,是从泰晤士河口算起的第一座桥,也是伦敦的象征。







4. 泰晤士河沿岸景点介绍



5. 泰晤士河的介绍




6. 泰晤士河在哪儿

小学英语教材就有呢,,,,泰晤士河泰晤士河(Thames River)是英国著名的“母亲”河。发源于英格兰西南部的科茨沃尔德希尔斯,全长402公里,横贯英国首都伦敦与沿河的10多座城市,流域面积13000平方公里,在伦敦下游河面变宽,形成一个宽度为29千米的河口,注入北海。在伦敦上游,泰晤士河沿岸有许多名胜之地,诸如伊顿、牛津、亨利和温莎等。

7. 泰晤士河景色









8. 泰晤士河附近的景点


1 伦敦桥修建于1179年-1209年,是英国伦敦泰晤士河上一座几经重建的大桥,也是该河上28座桥梁中位于下游的一座桥,地处伦敦塔附近,连接着南沃克自治市高街和伦敦市的威廉王大街。

2 康桥,今通译为剑桥,是英格兰的一个城市,是英国学术、⽂化、风景胜地。著名的康河从小城蜿蜒流过,河边散落着著名的剑桥大学的三十多所学院。

9. 泰晤士河周围景点






2: 伦敦塔桥




10. 泰晤士河的地理位置





