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导读:通辽景点英文介绍 通辽景点英文介绍简短1. 通辽景点英文介绍简短 2. 景点的英文 3. 哈尔滨的景点介绍英文 4. 文化景点的英文 5. 内蒙古景点英文介绍 6. 呼和浩特景点英文介绍 7. 大连旅游景点英文介绍 8. 用英语介绍银川的景点 9. 通辽景点英文介绍简短版 10. 景点篇英文

1. 通辽景点英文介绍简短



通辽蒙中占地面积64752平方米,现有56个教学班,3900名学生,50多年来,通辽蒙中为上一级院校输送了近万名合格的学生,为国家、自治区培养了一批又一批蒙汉兼通的人才。通辽蒙中以纯蒙语授课为主,上世纪90年代被列为自治区民族教育改革试点校,承担“三语”教学试验任务,经过十多年的努力,探索出“精通本民族语言文字的基础上掌握汉语文,同时学好一门外语(英语或日语)”的新路子。在全自治区乃至全国的“三语”教学改革中具有示范性、辐射性与实效性。通辽蒙中现有教职工242人,其中专任教师207名,特级教师2名,高级教师62名,一级教师79名。有4名国家级骨干教师,14名区级骨干教师, 2名区级学科带头人,25名市级学科带头人,10名攻读硕士学位的研究生。先后有120余名教师被评为国家级、区级、市级的优秀教师、优秀班主任、师德标兵、先进教育工作者、劳动模范。有143名教师被评为区、市两级教学能手。教师学历合格率达98%。

2. 景点的英文

place有景点的意思。名胜古迹的英语翻译是:place of interest 。除此之外,他作为名词,有位置,地点,场所,地方,城镇,职位,获奖的名次的意思。


3. 哈尔滨的景点介绍英文

Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my mother. It's very cold in winter. There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world. You must wear warm clothes. The most exciting thing is playing with snow. Skating is also very interesting there. I will' always remember Harbin, for the snow, the ice and all the beautiful things. I love Harbin.

4. 文化景点的英文

香港会议展览中心(Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center)

金紫荆广场(Golden Bauhinia Square)

太平山顶 (Victoria Peak)

铜锣湾 (Causeway Bay)

海洋公园(Ocean Park)

浅水湾(Repulse Bay)

星光大道(Avenue of Stars)

星光大道表扬名单(Honoured Stars of Hong Kong)

维港夜景幻彩咏香江(A Symphony of Lights)

尖沙咀前九广铁路钟楼(Clock Tower)

香港文化中心(Hong Kong Cultural Centre)

香港太空馆(Hong Kong Space Museum)

香港艺术馆(Hong Kong Museum of Art)

九龙清真寺(Kowloon Masjid & Islamic Centre)

尖沙咀弥敦道(Nathan Road)

海港城(Harbour City)

柏丽购物大道(Park Lane Shopper's Boulevard)

女人街(Ladies' Street)

金鱼街(Goldfish Market)

园圃街雀鸟花园(Bird Garden)

旺角弥敦道(Nathan Road)

花园街(Fa Yuen Street)

西洋菜街(Sai Yeung Choi Street)

黄大仙祠(Wong Tai Sin Temple)

大屿山宝莲寺(Lantau Island Po Lin Temple)

天坛大佛(Big Buddha)

青马大桥(Tsing Ma Bridge)

香港迪士尼乐园(Hong Kong Disneyland)

5. 内蒙古景点英文介绍

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today, I would like to introduce my beloved hometown—Inner Mongolia to all of you.

It has been 74years since the birth of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on May 1st, 1947.

Dominated by the Mongolian nationality, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located on the northern frontier of China.

The lifestyle of Mongolian herdsmen is distinctive.

Herdsmen like eating beef, mutton and dairyproducts and drinking black tea and brick tea.

Mostof them live in Mongolian yurt with a skylight forventilating and lighting.

Mongolian people areexperts at horseback riding and shooting and skilled in singing and dancing.

The Nadam Fairheld in July or August every year is an annual grand festival for Mongolian people.

There arehorse racing,wrestling,archery contest and wonderful dancing and singing performances duringthe festival.

During each Nadam Fair, people from different places come to compete and watchperformances, instantly turning the quiet grasslands into a sea of pleasure.

6. 呼和浩特景点英文介绍

呼市 Hohhot Hohhot 英[huht] 美[hohot] [词典] 呼和浩特(内蒙古自治区)(旧译Huhehot); [例句]Analysis of Population Development State and Existent Problems in Urban District of Hohhot呼和浩特市市区人口现状和存在问题分析

7. 大连旅游景点英文介绍

The southern waters and are open flat beach, a distance of Sanshandao, cloud cover fog cover, air-Mongolian mountains blurred, as the sea. At 600 meters from the coast, there is a ginseng-like shape of the island

8. 用英语介绍银川的景点


9. 通辽景点英文介绍简短版




10. 景点篇英文

The Yellow Mountain (黄山)

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountians in China.It lies in the south of the Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinses and foreigners pay a visit there. It's not far from here. It takes you get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of the clouds, wonderous pines and unique rocks aroud you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It's really a nice place to visit.

大意: 位于安徽省南部,是中国著名的旅游胜地.每年有大批的中国游客和外国游客前去观光旅游.可以乘汽车,也可以乘火车或飞机去.登山便可以领略云海,奇松,怪石等秀丽的风景及其清晨美丽的日出.


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